Privacy Policy for Simple Finance Bytes

Online Privacy Statement

Last updated 19MAY2024

Simple Finance Bytes respects the privacy of visitors to our site. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully so that you understand our privacy practices relating to information we gather through this website.

Other policies may apply to information we gather elsewhere.

Questions regarding privacy issues should be directed to the attention of the Privacy Officer. Email address is found at the end of this policy document.

Protecting the Privacy of Children

Children should always get permission from their parents before sending any information about themselves (such as their names, email addresses, and phone numbers) over the Internet, to us or to anyone else. We won’t knowingly allow anyone under 13 to register with any of our sites or to access those features that require registration. If you’re under 13, please don’t provide any personally identifying information during your visit to this website. We also will not allow anyone under the age of 13 to register for or participate in any contest on this site. Some contests further restrict requirements for an entrant’s age; please refer to the specific contest rules for more details.

The Information We Collect

The information gathered through this website falls into two categories: (1) information voluntarily supplied by visitors to our website through optional registration or e-commerce transactions, and (2) tracking information gathered as visitors navigate through our site. Third party service providers on or linked to by our website, such as vendors of products and services offered through our site, may be gathering information, as well.

To make use of certain features on our website (such as contests, surveys, message boards, music download functionality, customizable audio applications, and others) visitors need to register and to provide certain information as part of the registration process, and for the purpose of participating in certain contests or surveys. We may also ask visitors for certain information in connection with the purchase of products/services on our website. (We may ask, for example, for your name, email address, sex, age, zip code and credit card information, and we might request information on your interest in concerts, different types of music and the like.) The information you supply will help us to offer you more personalized features, to tailor our site to your interests, to make the site more useful to you, and to process your e-commerce transactions.


To help make our site more responsive to the needs of our visitors, we invoke a standard feature of browser software, called a “cookie,” to assign each visitor a unique number, a sort of user ID, if you will, that resides on your computer. The cookie doesn’t actually identify the visitor, just the computer that a visitor uses to access our site. Unless you voluntarily identify yourself (through registration, for example), we won’t know who you are, even if we assign a cookie to your computer. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply. A cookie can’t read unrelated data off your hard drive. Our advertisers and third party service providers may also assign their own cookies to your browser, a process that we don’t control.

We use cookies to help us tailor our site to your needs, to deliver a better, more personalized service. For example, cookies help us to recognize you as a return visitor, which provides convenience for you. For example, a registered site “member” sign up for subsequent website contests or surveys using “one-click entering.” We also use cookies to avoid showing you the same ad, repeatedly, during a single visit. In addition, we may use cookies to track which pages on our site are most frequently visited by our users. We can build a better site if we know which pages our users are visiting and how often. Of course, you can set your browser not to accept cookies, but if you do, you may not be able to take advantage of the personalized features enjoyed by other visitors to our site.

Browser-level information

Our web servers automatically collect limited information about your computer configuration when you visit our site, including the type of browser software you use and your IP address. (Your IP address is a number that lets computers attached to the Internet know where to send you data — such as the web pages you view.) Your IP address does not identify you personally. We use this information to deliver our web pages to you upon request, to tailor our site to the interests of our users, and to measure traffic within our site.

Sweepstakes and other promotions

From time to time, we may offer sweepstakes or other promotions on our website. If you enter a sweepstakes or promotional contest, we’ll ask you to provide information about yourself (such as your name, address, and email address). Among other things, we’ll need this information to contact you if you win. We may share this information with any co-sponsor of the contest or sweepstakes, which we’ll identify in the contest rules. If you don’t want us to collect the information requested in the contest or sweepstakes registration form or to provide it to co-sponsors, please do not enter the contest or sweepstakes.

Information Collected By Third Parties

To make our site more valuable to our visitors, we offer some features in conjunction with other providers. Our site includes links to plenty of other websites, and provides access to products and services offered by third parties, whose privacy practices we don’t control. When you access another website, use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy statement of the operator of that site. And when you provide information in the course of obtaining products or services through our site, use of any information you provide may be governed by the privacy policy of the provider of those products or services. The provider’s privacy policy may differ from ours. If you can’t find the privacy statement of any of our provider partners via a link either from the site’s homepage or from the pages on which the products or services are offered, you should contact the provider directly for more information.

Data Collected in Connection with Ad Serving and Targeting

We use third-party service providers, such as ad networks, to serve advertising to you when you visit our Site. These service providers may use information about your activities while you navigate through this Site and other web sites and that they collect through cookies to provide you with advertisements about products and services that they think may be of interest to you. The information used by these service providers for these purposes generally does not identify you personally but it may include the IP address of your computer. Instead, it only relates to your behavior while on this site and other websites: what ads you clicked on, what content you viewed, etc.

Simple Finance Bytes Adherence to Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising

Simple Finance Bytes adheres to the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising of the Digital Advertising Alliance. To learn more about the Principles and your choices when it comes to the use of online behavioral advertising data by advertisers and ad servers across the Internet, visit


When we present information to our advertisers — to help them understand our audience and confirm the value of advertising on our websites — it is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages within our site. From time to time, we may share either individual or aggregated information on visitors to our site with third parties that provide services on or are linked to by our website, and with those marketing products and services that we believe may be of interest to you. For example, when a provider promotes its products or services through our website, we may collect your contact information on the provider’s behalf, through a form on our website. If this occurs, you’ll be asked to provide your specific and explicit permission to have your information transmitted to the third party advertiser or service provider.

If you provide us your email address, from time to time we may send you emails about products, services, or events that we believe may be of interest to you. Though we hope you’ll find these emails informative and useful, if you do not wish to receive such emails, please indicate, when you give us your email address, that you’d prefer not to receive them. You can also unsubscribe by following the simple unsubscribe instructions included with each email.

Other Disclosures

We may occasionally release information about our visitors when release is appropriate to comply with law, to enforce our Visitor Agreement, or to protect the rights, property or safety of visitors to our site, our customers, the public, Simple Finance Bytes, or a related company. In the unlikely event that Simple Finance Bytes were acquired by another company, information on visitors to our website may be among the transferred assets.


Information we gather on our website is stored on servers maintained in protected environments. However, no physical or electronic security system is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our servers or databases, nor can we guarantee that information you supply won’t be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. And, of course, any information you post to any message board or other public posting area is available to anyone with Internet access. If you don’t want people to know your email address, for example, don’t include it in any message you post publicly.

Changes to This Privacy Statement

A final note: The Web is an evolving medium. If we need to change our privacy policy at some point in the future, we’ll post the changes before they take effect. If at any point we decide to use personally identifying information in a manner different from what was stated at the time the information was collected, we will notify you and give you an opportunity to opt out of the proposed use.”

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